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The Light Show

He finds it very hard to branch his thoughts, which meeting him, you would not guess. Works shifts around his studies, parties on the weekends and Going Up in the world. Unusually well-adjusted. He talks so fast, hands rounding and quivering the air like he’s catching at the tails of something swarming there, ideas quick-linking, expansive; fetching him beyond his short stretch of years and making you forget that student-budget suit, chafing at the collar. You do not peer beyond the patter. On the train home that night, he reads a book called ‘Lost Histories’ and fiddles with his phone, the carriage so up-lit he cannot catch a glimpse of flashing darkness past the lurid face at the window. But the lights inside are losing connectivity. Five years behind, a gangly teenage boy with poetry in his pockets and a playlist called ‘Forever’ is crying to him, silently.
Olivia Sutherland

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The Disappeared

It is curious that Evelyn would unknowingly find herself lost on a walk she had completed a hundred times before. But what is most curious is that she would join a search party for herself without the slightest clue she was both lost and not lost at all. The missing persons alarm was raised some time around eleven on the eve of Evelyn’s routine walk and by half past, the search party had covered considerable ground. It wasn’t until midnight, however, when Evelyn joined the party herself. The disappeared was now in their midst; unawares and unidentified. Evelyn was suspicious she was the missing person but sceptical about speaking up. Surely they would know by now. What was the catch? As the search dwindled, she no longer felt like Evelyn but, instead, a searcher. Their torchlights licked the earth and the thick smattering of rain soon drowned out any voices.
Andrew Richardson
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1. This Is The Title

2. You work at the Central Library. 3. You’ve worked there too long. 4. It's driving you crazy (see No. 8). 5. [You may copy/paste a better metaphor under No. 4 later.] 6. It is your job to classify, number and order books. 7. Apart from the bible, very few stories are numbered. 8. That’s a fact. 9. You find this is a drawback, because you can’t refer back (see No. 8). 10. You're writing a numbered story about your life as a librarian. 11. You don’t have to be a good writer to become a librarian. 12. You do need to know a lot about writers and books. And about readers. 13. Did you know that some people like to read the last sentence first? 14. Those people probably don’t like surprises. 15. This story ends with No. 4.
Richard de Nooy
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Smoke Screen

He pulls a tin of bait from an old canvas bag, faded to murky green. During the week, the tin of bait sits in the fridge, maggots wriggling in confinement alongside lettuce and a block of cheddar. She lets go of the rod to get out the red tartan Thermos. Sharing a hot, strong tea from plastic cups that taste like summer picnics, they silently watch a duck’s feather float along the surface of the water. Finished drinking, shaking the droplets into the grass verge, she reaches into her jumper and pulls out a ten pack of Marlboro’s from under her bra strap. She knows he ain’t been near there in years, so it’s a safe hiding place. Taking pity, she lights one from her own and holds it out to him between yellowed fingers. He takes it, and they sit together in silence, smoking and fishing.
Kate Jones
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A heavy man by Jayne Morley

A Heavy Man

She always knows when he is coming - the ornaments rattle in their cases. There are a lot of ornaments and cases in her house, because her mother likes to focus on things that are pretty but that don't matter. He is a heavy man, her mother's husband. He makes the ornaments rattle with his footfall, and he squeezes the breath from the girl just by lying on top of her. He lies on top of her quite often. She has started to scratch at herself, in the night and the early morning. Trying to hurt. She is embarrassed by the chicken scratches on the tops of her skinny thighs, smears of ketchup on French fries. They are not enough. She holds a piece of broken glass, from her princess mirror he has smashed. But still she can't cut. The ornaments begin to rattle, and she conceals the shard. Ready now.


fiction by
Kathy Stevens

image by
Jayne Morley


Heat - Louise Mangos


It was the hottest summer on record. Everyone waited impatiently for the rains. Dust blew off the clay-baked earth. The heat was so thick it buzzed in Jay’s ears. He poured a few drops of precious water onto his favourite neck scarf and laid its fleeting coolness on his cheek. He wished Mamma would hurry back with ice. The first locust hit the mesh screen with the sound of a torn high voltage wire. Jay ran down the hall and slammed the door. His heart pounded in rhythm to each thud against the rough siding of their home. As he checked the last window in the front room, he looked out to the driveway and saw Mamma in the front of the Chevy, her palm pressed against the windshield, her mouth a perfect round O, her scream drowned by the beat of a million papery wings.



Louise Mangos


You scratch I'll sniff-Lance-Tooks

You Scratch and I'll Sniff

The Greyhound’s chemical toilet began stinking fifty miles back. Southern Indiana rolled past and was no distraction at all. He had an itch to travel, not to smell the world. The stench fated the late afternoon heat and he groaned in disgust. Two old ladies in front of him took pity and shared their olfactory defense. They were mid-western angels. “My niece gave me a pack of scented cards, aren’t they pretty?” There was Midnight Surrender, Desert Mist and Sunset Passion. “Don’t worry, young man, we’ll scratch and you sniff.” They smiled and giggled like school girls in a science lab. Pressing “Heavenly Waves” to his nose, he assented. Gossamer Moon, Silken Evenings and Tropical Harmony took him another hundred miles. He lost his saviors in Indianapolis, within the crowds of dreary smelling folk, who might never discover the delights of, Celestial Dew, Infinite Notions, Magic Journeys and Wander Lust.


fiction by
John Dapolito

art by
Lance Tooks


Just a Moment

…he pulls, and this time papa raises a blind and bloody bundle, suckling into cold light, seeking hot skin and beating heart, and papa reveals tears, and fears, and godly thoughts and thank-you’s, and when from behind papa’s pillared legs the infant peeks round, grappling for papa’s clever hand, well… from under papa’s skin bursts a proud shield, bearing ironed-out dents, patched holes, and a new bullet-proof coating, and this life-time’s work shelters junior as he steps forward, reaching for coloured spools, stitch after stitch, he weaves seven sorrows and sins, ecstasies and wonders, until a young man, stands, still and tall, he understands, and spins his own creation, procreation, discovering tender-lust, and the twining and binding of love and lives, for life, a beating, systole-diastole, through the umbilical-thread to mama, till it’s time, and she pushes…
Ruth Tamiatto

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Signe rose from cupronickel sleep into her 29th year. Raw, newly ored. The trick this year was to stay malleable. Last year, her nickel year, she was hard and slow to react, drawing others to her without melding. Signe’s village neighbors had all passed through their copper year before her, and Signe had been hungry for it: the freedom to be verdigris—beautified by weathering, protected by corroding. The year ahead was open as a prairie, an endless age before she brassed into her zinc year, a bitter and brittle one to be sure. Placing a penny in each shoe, Signe stepped out of her cottage and into the wet winter fog. She followed the dirt road, which after a time became a paved road. Into the city, into the shining city, dreaming of some tin soul to bronze with, some livewire to plate herself around and conduct into electric night.
Jessica Franken
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Nighthawks by Jayne Morley


She slips onto the next stool, lips as red as her dress. “Buy me a cuppa coffee, Mister?” I tip my hat and nod to the boy behind the counter. The urn spits and steams. He stares at her breasts as he sets the cup down, his acne raw under the fluorescents. A whisper of silk on silk as she crosses her legs. She holds up the coffee to warm her face, though the day’s heat lingers, even at the witching hour. A lone car passes up Greenwich Avenue. I offer her a Marlboro but she shakes her head. “You got any dough?” I reach in my pocket and hand her a fold of greenbacks, no questions asked. She holds it up in the fingers of one hand, then looks out through the plate glass window to where someone stands watching, his cigarette glowing in the hot feral night.


fiction by
Fiona J. Mackintosh

image by
Jayne Morley


Full Stop - Nod Gosh

Full Stop

‘Reading and writing are my alpha and omega!’ Exclamation was Mark's default setting and there were never truer words pronounced. He breathed in books, poured out stories, in hot, unpunctuated torrents. One day he gushed to Gladys in accounts, ‘Wouldn’t you simply die without literature?!’ and his passion tipped into something dangerous, just like that, releasing them into everything! Not just into books and magazines! But into memos and emails! Into his on-line game! Into reports and thoughts! He tried conjunctions to postpone their inevitable appearance or closed his eyes but there was no escape! They slashed the inside of his eyelids and screamed in his dreams!! Overstating everything!!! Stressing him out!!!! Driving him mad!!!!! He was found hanging from a beam at home. He looked like a lowercase i, but with its dot misplaced too far to one side, full stopped. ‘...!!!!!!????????.,’ shrieked his suicide note, nuancing everything, exactly.


fiction by
Jan Kaneen

art by
Nod Ghosh


An Hour Or So - Siddarth Dasgupta

An Hour Or So

How predictable you are, early winter rain. And how swiftly you cast a vast blanket of poignancy, mist and biting chill onto this entire city. The arrondissements are swept up in the heady existence of their own beauty, as life plays out to the distinctive notes of hope laced with sorrow. Here in the Latin Quarter, whiling some time on Le Petiti Chatelet's porch, I look out at a Seine quite disinterested in this whole affair of life, as it were. It flows, and no more. The clock on the north-east corner of the Palais de Justice facade clears its throat. Chime, I whisper, chime, you fool. Chime away with that fleur de lys that graces your tip. Because soon she will be here. And arm in arm we'll dance, later tonight, in the wild beauty of the Bataclan. If you would only... Chime.



Siddharth Dasgupta


White Noise

I met you on the longest day, believing the time we had together was interminably elastic. Now the edges of hours shorten and shrink, curling inward like discarded sweet wrappers. As the minutes fast forward into night I forget you. I recall the planets; Jupiter, Saturn, Mars. The names of constellations you taught me drip off my tongue; Andromeda, Orion, Cassiopeia. I know there are 27 bones in the hand that brushed the hair from my face. I can recite the alphabet backwards, searching for clues. But I can’t remember your name. Seconds boil down to nothing as the kettle whistles. I stir milk into my tea and memories splash around my head. Who spoke first? Who initiated the first kiss? Grasping for answers, there is only a blank space where your smile should be, white noise when I try to remember your last three words.
Christina Taylor
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They cartwheel through his dreams, legs splayed, eyes open. Sometimes together, sometimes one at a time. Fabric unfurls around them, golds, blues, reds and greens. When he wakes, heart fractured, he can still see the colours on the back of his eyelids. In the early morning darkness he walks to the restaurant, his hands in his pockets, cracked from hours in the cold soapy water. He’s left Tariq asleep on the mattress in his sister’s sitting room. Later the boy will watch cartoons on TV and laugh. He’s already forgetting his mother and sisters. When the great wave came, he caught Tariq by the belt, but Meyra and the girls in their silky hijabs slid through his hands like fish. He still feels the boat buck and plunge beneath him as he walks, wishing now he’d pulled Tariq close and tipped them both backwards into the vast dark water.
Fiona J. Mackintosh
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Cyclical Thoughts

I picture the inside of my brain. Uncooked pink bobbly sausages piled into my head. I can imagine it sounds sort of fleshy-cavernous; echoey like the shout from inside Moby Dick. These tunnels of nothing but muscly mass weaving around the space inside my thick skull and thin skin are faulty. I plant an idea that rattles to a halt, no more use than the fingertip-sized plastic spinning top from last year's Christmas cracker. I have to keep having ideas. I have to sow even just these small dry seeds. Memories though, they're abundant, if unsympathetically filed. Today, the easiest to reach are flashbacks to failed careers and next, the fattening bad parent folder. And so to counter the bleak deluge, I twist another idea into the fleshy warren. Cyclonic enthusiasm. Cyclical. Fading. To a. Stop.
Claire Allen
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Mrs King

I have forgotten the five kingdoms of the classification system and what multicellular organisms consist of and where chlorophyll is found and how glucose is made and what xylem tissue delivers and what phloem tissue does and what happens in spongy mesophyll or stomata or palisades but I will always remember Mrs King tucking her hair behind her ears and choosing a chalk and drawing a broad bean on the board with its root burying downwards and its shoot growing upwards in one unbroken line.
William Davidson
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Event Horizon - Nod Ghosh

Event Horizon

An event horizon is the boundary of a black hole, you said, the region from which no escape is possible. A scientist and physician, you filled my head with Doppler shifts and DNA helices. When we fought, we collided like tectonic plates. But always I'd return, unable to resist your gravitational pull. Until the day they found you in the theatre corridor with pupils so small that all the light had escaped. They resuscitated you with naltrexone. That’s the antidote for morphine. I’ll never do it again, you promised. So I ignored the fermenting scent of your breath, ignored the torpid calm that fell over you when you had fentanyl floating through your veins – because for a short time, I had you back. I should have known what would happen when I fell for a supernova. There’s no escape from a black hole. I’ll forever fall into your infinite curves.


fiction by
Eileen Merriman

art by
Nod Ghosh


Before the Fall

“Rock!” Frrrrddddhhhh... A fist-sized stone whistles past my shoulder. “That was close!” Frost is your friend on the Eiger Nordwand, cementing shattered blocks to the face. Last night we bivouacked beneath a pelmet of icy tassels. Come dawn, meltwater spattered our sleeping bags as a cloud blanket nuzzled up with treacherous warmth. As we climb, the bombardment continues: some of it speculative, like grenades tossed into a trench; the rest targeted, like sniper fire. A sulphurous smell hangs over this tilted no man’s land. We could retreat, abseiling down our spider threads to green pastures, then stroll shamefaced past Grindelwald cemetery where the fallen stay forever young. Instead, we advance – not as conscripts but as regulars, compelled by manly duty. Now the sky darkens from a fusillade of tumbling cornices, columns and corbels. A cathedral collapsing on its worshippers. Prayer is futile. “Rock!” my climbing partner yells, out of habit.
Steve Ashton
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It's A Small World After All

They say the world is getting smaller. To my daughter, it is massive. I bought her a globe and she can sit for hours, spinning the planet on its axis as she slides her fingers across cities, countries and continents. She skips vast oceans with a single leap of her digits and asks which country it is she has landed on. There is no hot or cold. There are no borders or prejudices. There is no terrorism or fear. There are colours and names of exotic places and a fascination in her eyes as she sees it all with a simple turn of her palm. She is an omnipotent observer with a future of dreams, the world literally in her hands. The world is the same size that it’s always been and always will be. But to my daughter, it sits on her desk and is as vast as infinity.
JD Gillam
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Hindsight Party Invite

To: Date: That summer night, katydids and the shimmering air, and when I came to the door, you a "plus one" in a red floral summer dress standing rosy cheeked from the sinking sun, gift in hand. Time: Minutes brought bodies, brought heat and all moved like molasses through the night, you a red blur in and out between dancing strangers, their hair sweat-stuck to glistening foreheads. Your date left the party late with the thinning crowd, drunk and mad that you did not follow. Place: My fetid house chased the stragglers out to the pool where you sat, feet dangling. I handed you the whiskey, you pushed me in and followed. And when it began to rain we danced drenched on the lawn to the The Beach Boys and Glen Miller till the sun came up. R.S.V.P: You were there. I wish I'd asked you your name.
Rory Bouffe
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