Nom de guerre

My name was always inadequate. It got me into fights as a kid. I could hear the whispers whenever I started a new class at uni. At 25, I couldn't take it anymore. I had it legally changed to a striking two syllables that got me laid twice in the first week. It was a new unstoppable me. I was walking on air. I started learning French, went hiking in the Himalayas, got a higher-paying job. I quit after three months and landed a better one. I juggled three girlfriends. Even had a threesome with one of them and her roommate. Yesterday I set up a co-worker to do something illicit and I reported her. Got her fired and got me a raise for being committed to the company. Old me tried to complain but I shut him up. Forever. That wuss wouldn't have made it. Not with that disgraceful name.
Javier Gómez
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